Care and a Caring Home

2 Questions About Seeking Memory Care For A Loved One

Do you have a loved one living with you that you're having difficulty taking care of due to Alzheimer's or dementia? If so, you may be looking into a memory care assisted living facility for them to live at. Here are some questions about when it is time to seek help and what kind of help can be offered. 

Is Memory Care Necessary? 

It is normal to have feelings of guilt about having a loved one live at a memory care facility, but there are many reasons why it is the best decision for you and your family. Oftentimes, the person you are caring for may seem like they are doing fine, but it is causing you to undergo a lot of stress as the primary caregiver. If providing in-home care is causing serious interruptions with your life, causing arguments between other family members, or causing you to feel depressed, it may be best to look into a memory care assisted living facility. 

However, there are many signs that your loved one may be showing that tell you it is time for professional help on a daily basis. You may find that they are wandering around without a purpose, not knowing where they are. This can cause you to have serious concerns about their safety, as they would require 24/7 care to make sure that they are in a place that is safe.

Why Use A Memory Care Facility Rather Than A Standard Assisted Living Home?

Having a loved one live at a memory care facility is going to be more expensive than a standard assisted living home, which may cause you to wonder if the added care is necessary and worth it. Be aware that using a memory care facility means that the caregivers that work there will have special training when working with your loved one's condition. The activities that the residents participate in will be more geared towards the level of care that they need, focusing on activities that they will enjoy and are capable of doing, and these activities can even help improve their memory or prevent it from deteriorating further. 

Caring for memory care residents also involves a different approach than caring for residents that are having problems with mobility and needs help performing physical functions. For example, a memory care resident may require more attention in terms of learning what they like and do not like and meeting those needs so that the resident can have an enjoyable day. These are needs that your loved one may have problems vocalizing and need to be learned over time while at the memory care facility. 

For more information, contact a facility like Carillon Oaks.