Care and a Caring Home

Transitioning A Senior Into A Care Facility Amid The Pandemic

In many ways, this seems like a difficult time to transition a senior to any type of residential setting, like assisted living or a nursing home. However, it may be necessary for seniors to move into these types of situations due to recent hospitalization, rehabilitation, or circumstances β€” how can you make the experience smoother and safer? The truth is, this could be the best living situation and level of care for the senior, which merits adapting and adjusting despite the challenges.

Are you or someone you care for moving into a nursing home or assisted living facility right now? Some tips for transitioning smoothly include the following.

Finding the Right Facility

Don't underestimate the importance and work involved in finding the right nursing home or assisted living situation; since every care setting is different, you really won't know much about the place until you visit, observe staff, and ask questions. Since most of these facilities are essential services, you should still be able to tour though there may be specific guidelines in place to protect staff and residents.

Concentrate on Infection Control

Practice good infection control and observe others around you to ensure they are also obeying basic handwashing and hygiene protocols. Ask staff what guidelines are in place and when the last outbreak of any illness was. The facility should give you this information willingly. 

Be Wary of Simply Bringing Your Senior Home

While it may be tempting to simply keep the senior home until the pandemic passes, this is not always a practical thing to do. It may be difficult to find home care services, if needed, to assist due to a shortage related to COVID-19; also, the change in environment could cause confusion or agitation among seniors suffering from dementia. 

Keep Them Connected

It can help to keep your senior connected with devices, like smartphones or laptops, to others. Offer support and find out if staff are willing and able to provide technological support for residents who want to connect online. This can be a great way to engage with both your loved one and their treatment team when visitation is limited due to health concerns.

It may be that a nursing home or assisted living is exactly what you or a loved one needs right now; try not to panic. Remember that while COVID-19 is a serious and significant threat, the risk of contracting the illness is still quite low when following proper guidelines. Use these tips to transition smoothly to senior care settings, or to assist someone else to adapt to their new living situation. Reach out to a professional who could assist with senior care placement for more information.