Care and a Caring Home

Don't Fall For These Myths About Assisted Living

If you're approaching an age where you're worried you may not be able to care for yourself or safely live on your own any longer, then you might want to consider moving into an assisted living facility. These spaces can be very beneficial for residents, offering a balance between care and independence. It is important, however, to get a true idea of what assisted living entails. In particular, do not let the following myths sway your decision. They are just that: myths.

Myth: Assisted living is only for the ill and infirm.

People who make this statement are often confusing assisted living facilities with nursing homes. Nursing homes offer intensive medical care and are generally for people who have a specific illness or ailment. Assisted living, however, is open to anyone over a certain age, depending on the facility. The amount of assistance you are given will depend on your needs. You may not need any help at all when you first move in, but it's comforting knowing that there are caregivers nearby in case that changes. A few years later, you might need someone to do your laundry and dishes. And a few years after that, you might need someone to administer medication and cook your meals. Assisted living is easy to customize.

Myth: You'll have a small room at an assisted living facility.

At most assisted living facilities, residents have their own apartments. Some of these apartments may be larger than others; you can usually pay more to live in a larger unit. Some assisted living facilities even have cottages, small homes, or townhouses that they rent out to more mobile and agile residents. You won't have as much space as you would at your own private house, but you won't be squished into a single bedroom, either.

Myth: Assisted living facilities are boring.

Many older adults really appreciate their freedom and fear they'll be bored when they move into a community where everything is provided for them on-site. But actually, assisted living facilities are far from boring. Most have several organized activities each day, along with members who meet in clubs to enjoy shared activities. There are usually facilities like picnic areas and gardens that you can use when family members and friends stop in to visit.

Now that you have a better idea of what you can actually expect from an assisted living facility, go visit one! You might be surprised how at-home you feel.

To learn more, contact a resource that offers senior care services.